I always knew I wanted to be an Entrepreneur.  When I was 5, my girlfriend and I started a lemonade stand.  She was the money partner, doing most of the talking and selling of the lemonade, while I made things look pretty.  Having naturally grasped the concept of visual merchandising, I started to think big, by adding pretty displays, tablecloths and unique snacks. When we saw our little business hit its peak, we turned it mobile, setting off on our golf cart and scouring for golfers on the course of our neighborhood. Rather than wait for them to find us, we found them. What I loved most about this was the feeling of freedom, to create something and the excitement I felt from it.  I truly love creating experiences for people, that help them feel good and enjoy life.  We are all natural creators and I believe that what we are drawn to as children has a way of foreshadowing your path later in life.

Fast forward to my twenties, I spent many years working for digital media agencies, spearheading campaigns for companies in the food and hospitality industry.  I am really proud to say I produced the first online commercial for Tyson Fresh Meats, among other web tv series and documentaries. I was living in Charlotte, North Carolina when I fully realized I had achieved all I wanted to in terms of climbing the corporate ladder.  The thing is, I became quite good at building up other people and their projects, yet the little girl inside of me was yearning again to have my own project to build upon.

As my career grew, I developed contacts in many different industries, one being manufacturing and production. Together with these contacts, I now have a team to help me with my vision of making clean beauty and natural style accessible to every woman. And because I work directly with my manufacturing team, I am able to offer you professional quality products at half the price of other luxury brands.  By taking a direct-to-consumer approach, we cut out retailers, which means cutting the inflated prices.  This brand did not happen overnight. It took a few years of research and testing to make sure the formulas are just right.  Every product is made in North America, with nontoxic ingredients, is cruelty free and paraben free. We should all have high standards when it comes to knowing what we put on our skin and how it affects our planet.  I believe it is little steps such as this, that can add up to making a big difference to ourselves and the world.

I am so proud of the collection and am really excited for you to see it and wear it of course! I want you to look and feel like you and to feel beautiful.  I think makeup should be fun and easy and doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

I want to give a special thanks to my husband, a true, self-made entrepreneur who inspires me everyday to share who I am with the world and to do right by people.  I have been reading your comments and thank you so much for your support! I promise you will love the products!!