Confession: This year, I feel more KIND than I’ve ever been before. Not that I would consciously try to be unKIND. However, there is one simple action that has pushed me a little bit further.
Since having my baby 8 months ago, I started walking everyday with her. Between a pandemic and a newborn, what else is there to do? It has become my favorite new ritual that both of us look forward to everyday. Allowing me to clear my head and move my body, while giving each of us a bit of ‘quiet time’, together.

And it has totally changed my perspective on many things. For one, I have a newfound appreciation for my neighborhood, for my town, for the beautiful sights to see along the way. I now notice how I live in the center of it all and that it’s nice to be able to walk to the coffee shop and see it buzzing with people in the early morning. I love seeing other people out walking too.

It feels good to say hello to each and every one of them as they pass by me. You see, I never would have done that before. Rather, I would have kept looking forward, pretending to look at something, so as to avoid contact. Not to be unKIND, but to stay within my own comfort zone.
When you walk everyday, you start to see regulars, who also have the same routine as you. I SEE them now. We have conversations about neighborhood things. Or sometimes, it’s just a knowing smile. I even made a new mom friend! Everytime I see her, we catch each other up on the progress (or frustrations) of our motherhood journey.
It has been an interesting year to say the least. One, no one could have ever predicted. But it’s also been a beautifully powerful year that has forced us to shift the way we see the world and live outside our comfort zone.
I suppose it is this realization; that we really are all out here together, that has ultimately softened me. We are doing the best we can to stay healthy, safe and sane! So the next time you’re feeling down, lonely or honestly whatever, try going for a walk AND remember that a little (or a lot) of kindness can go a long way in boosting your overall mood (and the mood of others)!
Be well!
Xo, Samantha