“Self-care” and “self-love” are big buzz words these days, and for a good reason.  As a busy woman, making a self-care appointment should be as much of a priority as all of your other appointments. Taking steps to make sure that you are feeling your best will help you create the perfect balance in your life and maintain that high spirit.

Take these steps to maintain and increase your vitality, and you will see why successful women feel so empowered and are prepared to take on the world every day.

1.  Be your own boss – learn to say “no,” be realistic with your expectations, and only apply the pressure that is constructive and productive

2.  Learn to say “yes” – maintain a positive attitude, be open to new experiences, and tell yourself, “Yes I can.”

3.  Flex those muscles – make sure you get regular exercise to release some endorphins, keep your body healthy, and relieve stress.

4.  Don’t forget your creative muscles – expression through music, dancing, art, and writing helps to clear the mind and maintain inner peace.

5.  Feed yourself the right foods – most of the time, and don’t forget to enjoy your favorite indulgences

6.  Sleep – when you only have so many hours in the day to accomplish everything, you might think you don’t need this. You do.

7.  Realize when you need help, and ask for it – you never have to go through it alone. As strong as you are, never hesitate to receive support.

8.  Reinforce a positive attitude – Keep your chin up, laugh often (even at yourself), and stay hopeful. As a successful woman, you already have a strong influence on those around you. Make it a great one.

9.  Relax – make the time each day to meditate, give yourself a little pamper, or give you some peace and quiet with no distractions. You’re a busy person and always on-the-go, so pull yourself away for a few moments to let your mind and body get a break.

Self-care is the most important step you can take to prevent stress, ailments, and unhappiness in your life. Forming these habits are the reason that successful women become successful and maintain their success.