Our platform is all about finding ways to better your life – in style – so, if you’ve ever had one of those days where you feel like you’re in a blur, just going through the motions of the day, and the next thing you know, it’s 5 o’clock, then read on…

Making time for yourself each morning will give you clarity and peace to carry you through the day. Because once your day gets going, there’s phone calls, driving, interacting with different kinds of people, projects and stress, you name it.

These following tips will help you create stability, so you’re ready for anything that comes your way:

1. Find your setting
First thing in the morning, get to a place where you feel really relaxed and comfortable — it might be your bed, your couch, your patio outside… wherever that place is that gives you peace and comfort. We have a tiki hut outside, and I like to sit on the couch beneath it. I drink my coffee and take in the morning air, listening to the birds and the wind. It’s also a place where I feel spaciousness. Wherever it is, make sure it’s a place where you can spend this quiet, precious time by yourself, without distractions.

2) Unlock your creative flow.
I got this practice from the book, “The Artist’s Way.” My old boss handed me this book one day and I’m grateful he did. It’s a great resource for creative people, entrepreneurs, and anyone who wants to tap into their creative potential. As you get up, before doing anything else, grab a journal and write down everything inside your head. Think of it as a data dump. Write down everything that comes to mind — your dreams from last night, how you’re still not over how yesterday’s presentation went, that you forgot to call your mom back. Whatever it is, write it down. By doing this, you’re actually freeing up the space these thoughts hold in your brain. This will allow your creative flow to come through. It’s oftentimes just thoughts inside our head — too much thinking — that gives us that frozen feeling. So, by unlocking the blocks, you’re allowing more creative energy and ideas to flow through you.  This has become so ingrained in my everyday morning routine that I sometimes spend an hour writing, and sometimes it’s only 5 minutes. Do what you can, but do something. There are so many distractions and stimulations coming from all areas throughout the day, demanding our attention. You deserve this. I understand this might be hard to do at first, but try one new thing and stick with it.

If it feels good, keep doing it.


3) Meditate.
By writing everything down on paper, you’re getting it out of your brain, so you’ll have less anxious thoughts in your head while getting to this next practice. Meditation is so wonderful. If you’ve never done this before, there are a lot of great apps out there for beginners. One is called Headspace, where meditation is broken down for you in a way that is easy to digest. Spending just 10 or 15 minutes a day can lower stress levels. I sometimes meditate for 45 minutes a day.

Everything we’re talking about here is to nourish your body, mind, and soul. If you don’t build yourself up, no one else will do it for you. You know how when you’re on a plane and the stewardess says in the case of an emergency, to put an oxygen mask over yourself before anyone else? The same goes for everyday life. You can’t expect to take care of anyone, love anyone, or give your all to anything if you’re not taking care of yourself first.

4) Set your intentions.
An intention is a self-written description of what you expect out of whatever it is you are about to do. This is important to incorporate into not only your morning routine, but all throughout the day.

A great time to set intentions is in the shower. Think about what you want to feel AND do that day. Be honest with yourself, and then say whatever it is you want, such as: I intend on getting to work on time. I intend on having a smooth and productive phone call with so and so. I intend on having an uplifting conversation with them. I intend on being helpful today. My favorite thing about intentions is that you can do them as often as you’d like.

Setting your intentions for the kind of day you would like to have puts you in the driver’s seat of your own life, as opposed to the back seat.  Being aware of the way you feel and the way you want to feel creates a sense of control over your emotions. It also makes you notice little things throughout your day that you never would have noticed before.

Just like any new habit, it’s important to stay consistent!

Get in the mood: